4100 Spring Valley Rd., #202, Dallas, TX 75244
TEL: 972-239-5069 972-980-4743 FAX: 972-239-5068
Owner's Full Name: $FullName$
Home Address: $HomeAddress$
City: $HomeCity$ State: $HomeState$ Zip: $HomeZip$
Tel: ($Tel1$) $Tel2$ Fax: ($Fax1$) $Fax2$ Email: $Email$
GTT Branch Office: $BranchOffice$
Agency Name: $AgencyName$
Subagent's Office Address: $OfficeAddress$
City: $OfficeCity$ State: $OfficeState$ Zip: $OfficeZip$
This AGREEMENT is made on $MadeOn1$ , 20 $MadeOn2$ between USA Gateway Inc and $MadeOn3$ (owner's name).
Owner Signature: $OwnerSignature$   GTT Signature: $GTTSignature$
Name Printed: $OwnerPrinted$   Name Printed: $GTTPrinted$
Date: $OwnerDate$   Date: $GTTDate$
After completion and signed, please fax this form to 972-432-7636, or scan and email to
As well, mail the original signed letter to GTT FORM on 4100 Spring Valley Rd., Suite 202, Dallas, Tx 75244.

 Credit Card Authorization
Confirmation Number $ConfirmationNumber$
In lieu of my credit card imprint, I (card holder) $CardHolder$
Hereby authorize agency to charge my (credit card name) $CardName$
Credit card number $CardNumber$
- (expiration date) $ExpirationDate$
- (credit card 800 number / customer service number) $ServiceNumber$
In the amount of $ $Amount$
For that payment of transportation of myself and/or (name of passenger(s)) if other than card holder $Payment$
For my itinerary as follows: (trip routing) $TripRouting$
Billing address of the credit card $Address$
Phone (H) $PhoneH$ (W) $PhoneW$
Signature of Cardholder :  $Signature$
Note: Identification is required. Please provide a photocopy of the credit card (front and back) and passport or driver?|s license of cardholder. By signing below, I acknowledge that charges described here in. Payment in full to be made when billed or in extended payments in accordance with standard policy of company issuing card.
Thank you for booking your tickets
Please review your invoice/itinerary and inform us immediately if you find any discrepancies.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen tickets.