Owner's Full Name: $FullName$
Home Address: $HomeAddress$
City: $HomeCity$ State: $HomeState$ Zip: $HomeZip$
Tel: ($Tel1$) $Tel2$ Fax: ($Fax1$) $Fax2$ Email: $Email$
GTT Branch Office: $BranchOffice$
Agency Name: $AgencyName$
Subagent's Office Address: $OfficeAddress$
City: $OfficeCity$ State: $OfficeState$ Zip: $OfficeZip$
This AGREEMENT is made on $MadeOn1$ , 20 $MadeOn2$ between USA Gateway Inc and $MadeOn3$
(owner's name).
Owner Signature: $OwnerSignature$ GTT Signature: $GTTSignature$
Name Printed: $OwnerPrinted$ Name Printed: $GTTPrinted$
Date: $OwnerDate$ Date: $GTTDate$
After completion and signed, please fax this form to 972-432-7636, or scan and email
to form@gttglobal.com.
As well, mail the original signed letter to GTT FORM on 4100 Spring Valley Rd.,
Suite 202, Dallas, Tx 75244.